i like mirrored backsplashes. not only does it open up a tiny space but it adds a much needed shine and glow to an otherwise wood heavy space. plus it speaks to my inner clean freak in that the splatters and smudges would stick out like a sore thumb making clean up necessary and easy. i never understood why people would choose things for their home (i.e. carpet, rugs, upholstery, tiles, counters etc..) that "hide the dirt". not me!! i want to SEE it so i can CLEAN it! ok, maybe on the rug front i can see hiding the stains and dirt but ONLY b/c rugs aren't so easy to clean, or cheap if they are to be professionally cleaned. anyway...i digress...mirrored backsplashes? thumbs up!
Miles' ceiling looks mirrored as well. I like mirrors (clean ones).
I have a teeny tiny kitchen and a mirrored backsplash (especially like the first image you have featured) would be absolutely perfect. I love that its like instant elegance and glam.
Oooh I love that you posted this, I plan on mirroring my back splash!
I agree 200%!!! Wonder if there's a way to do this in a rental? My poor kitchen needs so much work!
I dunno. I'm completely on the fence. I like the way it looks in half of the pics. In others it just looks out of place and strangely.
i love reflecting light anyway its done - i recently have been putting glass on tables around the house and even that bounces light like crazy - the effect really helps out until we can replace some of the small 60's windows - i say mirror all the way :) (great collection of example photos btw)
I just love this look... so chic!
I would be happy in any of these spaces! Love the floor in the last photo!
Oh my god DON'T DO IT! I had a mirrored backsplash in my kitchen and it is a major pain in the butt -- maybe it is because I am OCD, but it is never clean. I loved it at first too...then I lived with it for a while.
Hard to mock anything Miles pulls off. I saw the other day a kitchen that the cabinet fronts had insets of mirror. It too was a tiny kitchen & it made an incredible impact. Great post me dear!
Meh, I personally think it's gaudy.
I don't recall seeing too many examples of this! I actually really like it in several of those kitchens. Oh- and TOTALLY agree with the getting everything clean piece!
Suh-WEET inspired post! So happy to see something new!
Love them, want one...xv
the mirrored countertops are off the hook!
and your comment about the skinny model cracked me up! putting together that post was a little painful 'cause her snaggle tooth kept distracting me ;)
Love love love the second pic!
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