yes, i am talking to YOU! you anonymous posting fuckbags. i think it's real fucking lame when someone has a snarky comment to add to a blogger's post and won't tell us who they really are. i think you are a giant pussy. that's what i think. never EVER would i not have the balls to post my real name when i had something to say no matter how snarky it was. what do i care? but the bottom line here is i don't post snarky comments on other people's blogs. if i am going to be an asshole i am going to do it on MY blog where i feel it is my right to say whatever the fuck i want and if you don't like it...jog on! i may have a trucker's mouth but at least i am not some two faced douchenozzle who blogs all sweet and cute during the day and by night trolls the competition blogs to leave bullshit remarks. i mean, come on...if you've got something to say then say it..but at least have the rocks to tell me who in the fuck you are and open yourself up to some healthy debate. i mean, chances are i will shut you down, but at least it will be fair.
*nice comments from anon's are not included in my hate rant.
These anon postings have the balls-lacking equivalent of random dudes adding you on fb/myspace. "Hey, hottie ;)" Ugh, die.
Good rant. Who are these people?
Let it honeycomb, lady freak, prettyness, design queen - not worth your anger, health, mood, life to let an ass disrupt your grand life. Go look at your daughter and shift gears. Thank you!
Talk about "Scared Straight", it wasn't me, but boy I will NEVER post anonymous again! hehehe
P.S. I LIKE your potty mouth, it cracks me up.
(It is okay to just do the name/url right?)
oh YEAH?? well, I think you are REALLY NICE. AND COOL. OKAY BUSTER? I can't believe you hate my paper bag. You are just so REASONABLE. I put you in my bloglines just to read your HILARIOUS BLOG ENTRIES. AAGGGHRRRRRGGHGHHHHHH.
Im dying to know what they wrote!! Where is it?!?
this rant doesn't just pertain to my blog, but all of yours as well.
i know i am under anonymous, but i usually leave my name....i am in this predicament b/c i signed up awhile ago and can't remember my password. sorry if you have been offended. you put too much into your blog to have to put up with unappreciative b.s. xo kathi.
yes, ANONO that is true. there is a certain amount of commenting that is sort of a due diligence to the blog community..i'll scratch your back and you scratch mine kind of thing. but why can't the ones who want to tell us how they really feel leave their name?
Tell it, sister. And I, too, like your potty mouth.
Just found you, and my what a post to land on. True we just "met," but I totally got your back with this one and will pull hair and slap/scratch any and all anonymeans right there with you.
Couldn't say it better myself darling girl....xv
I fucking love you, Jenny! You're the best! I got your back woman. Screw the haters.
they are all just losers without a cause...no life or passions of their own just trying to impose their negative energy on those that won't be negativized (I made that word up). MFAMB you simply shouldn't allow them to occupy your headspace - they are not worthy.
Lisa xxx
I didn't realize that you got a bunch of ugly emails from people who didn't own up to their ugliness.
You go girl. I find your blog refreshing because you don't pull any punches, you tell it like it is. Spit and vinegar with a fabulous eye.
There are some blogs that can put me into a sugar coma.
Recently I was also miffed at cowardly on-line bullies/jack holes. If I may pass on the wise words of one of my very dear friends..."Fuck it."
Not sure if I come up Anon or not. Just for some insurance, this is your friend Emily RR and I adore your blog...and you. xoxo.
Ha! I agree. If you are going to say something snarky then don't be scared to show who you are. Better yet, just don't leave nasty comments, there is no need for that. If you don't like the blog, don't read it!
I guess my feeling is that in the blog world, you find the blogs you like and you read those. The ones you don't like, you don't read. Pretty simple. Because blogging is a personal opinion (IMHO), and if you don't agree with the person's POV, just move on. Also, yes, I think it's cowardly to say something trashy under the category of anonymous. If you aren't brave enough to sign your name, then you should know there's something wrong with what you are saying.
P.S. that paper bag head is hilarious!
They all live in their parents' windowless basement apartment that smells like cat urine. That is why they are so snarky.
You make me laugh...I love coming here!
sorry mfamb; it doesn't work that way. this is a public forum and you can't dial in what anybody writes on your blog. grow up spoiled brat potty mouth.
Feel exactly the same & could NOT of said it any finer ~
Clearly, I have been away far too long!
I look at it this way: yes, these anon assholes are spineless twigs, but by receiving those types of comments, at least you know your content is KICK ASS enough to elicit such strong reactions.
You will ALWAYS have more Lovahs than haters, so the anon douchebags can BLOG OFF!!!
welcome home alison! and thanks.
kathi- no i do not mean you at all. you sign your name at the end of your comments. which would exclude you, plus you have never said anything snarky.
you know i couldn't agree more!!! xoxoxo
Hilarious. Seems very sad to me that there are people out there that have nothing better to do with their time than leave nasty comments. Constructive critism is one thing, nastiness just be a douche is another.
You're so right - there are too many people out there who make themselves feel better and superior by leaving mean, hateful, and nasty comments on other people's blogs. It's just sad.
I may not always agree with or love everything I see or read - but that's okay!! That's what makes the world go 'round and life so interesting!! And I would never be nasty or rude about it.
Nice timely post. I had a couple of anons on my blog recently that were just downright mean and I realize it's going to happen from time to time. But why do you even bother to comment if you disagree with what I say or who I am?
So thank you for saying it oh so well.
I have zero problem telling you a room you posted blows, I'll leave my name on it too :)
Love this rant and love that there is another trucker mouth out there like myself. Although I do have to say I dont use it on my blog as much as I would just love to yell out a nice big FUCK every now and again. I know I'll get the third degree from my parents, and since they are half of my readers I aim to please them. They did give me life and all.
Very refreshing post. I love a good rant. My favorite of anything I've read today.
I appreciate your anger, BUT let's try some pro- woman love. All things feminine are not bad (i.e. pussy, douche), and all masculine references (rocks, balls) do not mean strong and honest. Other than that... I hear you.
(both masculine AND feminine.)
Wow! Crazy stuff!! Who cares anyway, life is too short too worry about what others think, as long as you are not hurting anyone-Say what you want.
Besides, it's only an opinion!!!
Amen, sister.
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