these are delicious. really delicious. they are made with coconut milk instead of the evil dairy and agave nectar instead of the REALLY evil sugar. and they are small, precious even. 15 grams of carbs too. got mine at whole foods.

also, today while fiona was at school and then later at ballet i watched this movie. it was good. sad but good. alan arkin should be in every movie.
We LOVE SO Delicous mini's....they are my new best friend!
I'll have to give them a shot. I've always loved a good ice cream sandwich.
I was getting all charged up about running out to Whole Foods to buy some mini yumminess and then I remembered that I am allergic to glutens..... whaaaa. The do look and sound scrumptious.
those things are so mother-effing good!! but i'm equally likely to be stuffing my face w/tofutti cuties.
I love that movie! I thought everyone was great in it + wondered why I hadn't heard more about it.
I need these in my life.
Two of my favorite things in life: 1) ice cream sandwiches and 2) coconut ANYTHING soooo I'm outta here and on my way to Whole Foods to get some of those 'precious' tasty coconut treats.
love you ~ aunt annie
wha-what! Coconut milk! Yes, please! And that part when she falls on the dirty mattress... I laughed so hard we had to rewind and watch it over like 3 times! Such a good movie.
What's wrong w/milk and sugar? They're natural and actually good for you (in moderation).
If you're allergic, OK. But really, they're not EVIL !!!
actually ANON 9:28 AM milk and sugar are not in any way shape or form natural. at one popint many many years ago milk (before it was homogonized and pasturized) may have had some nutritional benefits but since the invention of these heat sources the nutritional benefits are no longer present. you see when you heat the milk you basically kill all the good bacteria floating around in there to help your gut therefore helping you assimilate the lactose. this is why so so many people are "lactose intolerant" bc there are no beneficial bacteria present to aid in digestion. why do you think so many people are lactose intolerant? it is not due to a defect in THEM, it's due to a defect in the milk. as for sugar, in no way is this EVER good for you. not in a million years is sugar good for you. it is also refined therefore it is not natural.i agree that in moderation either one of these won't kill you but first we must define moderation. if you are talking once a week for either then yes...not so bad. but if you are eating these more than 3 times a week then you are not a pat of the moderation party. sorry.
Ohhh those look yummy and sounds kind of good for ya too!
"since the invention of these heat sources the nutritional benefits are no longer present."
Milk's chief nutritional benefit is calcium. Neither pasteurization nor homogenization destroys calcium.
Also: Homogenization is not a heat treatment. It forces milk at high pressure through small holes.
why do you think so many people are lactose intolerant? it is not due to a defect in THEM, it's due to a defect in the milk.
Actually, lactose deficiency is indeed due to a defect in our own cells.
by Jay W. Marks, MD:
"The enzyme that splits lactose [the sugar in milk] into glucose and galactose is called lactase, and it is located on the surface of the cells that line the small intestine."
from the same source:
Lactase deficiency occurs because of one of three reasons [none related to bacteria]:
1. a congenital absence (absence from birth) of lactase due to a mutation in the gene that is responsible for producing lactase.
2. Secondary lactase deficiency. This type of deficiency is due to diseases that destroy the lining of the small intestine along with the lactase. An example of such a disease is celiac sprue.
3. The most common cause of lactase deficiency is a decrease in the amount of lactase that occurs after childhood and persists into adulthood, referred to as adult-type hypolactasia. This decrease is genetically programmed, and the prevalence of this type of lactase deficiency among different ethnic groups is highly variable.
Prominent food researcher Dr. Thomas Cowan has been involved in thinking about the medicinal aspects of cow’s milk virtually his entire career.
His studies on the subject started in earnest when he read the book The Milk of Human Kindness Is Not Pasteurized, by maverick physician, William Campbell Douglass, MD.
Cowan became convinced that a large part of the disease in this country is related to the way we handle, or rather mishandle, milk and milk products.
Raw and cultured dairy products from healthy grass-fed cows are one of the healthiest foods people have ever eaten. However, pasteurized milk products have caused more disease than perhaps any other substance people are generally in contact with.
However, he still felt that a piece of the puzzle was missing. Many of his patients, in spite of eating only the proper dairy products, still had illness and still seemed not to tolerate milk. Recently, he was asked to consider writing the foreword to a book called The Devil in the Milk, written by Dr. Keith Woodford, which was again an eye-opener for him.
All proteins are long chains of amino acids. Beta casein is a chain 229 amino acids in length. Cows who produce this protein in their milk with a proline at number 67 are called A2 cows, and are the older breeds of cows (e.g. Jerseys, Asian and African cows). But some 5,000 years ago, a mutation occurred in this proline amino acid, converting it to histidine. Cows that have this mutated beta casein are called A1 cows, and include breeds like Holstein.
Proline has a strong bond to a small protein called BCM 7, which helps keep it from getting into the milk, so that essentially no BCM 7 is found in the urine, blood or GI tract of old-fashioned A2 cows. On the other hand, histidine, the mutated protein, only weakly holds on to BCM 7, so it is liberated in the GI tract of animals and humans who drink A1 cow milk.
BCM 7 has been shown to cause neurological impairment in animals and people exposed to it, especially autistic and schizophrenic changes. BCM 7 interferes with the immune response, and injecting BCM 7 in animal models has been shown to provoke type 1 diabetes. Dr. Woodford’s book presents research showing a direct correlation between a population’s exposure to A1 cow’s milk and incidence of autoimmune disease, heart disease, type 1 diabetes, autism, and schizophrenia.
Simply switching breeds of cows could result in amazing health benefits.
Other Factors Regarding Milk
Milk and refined sugar make two of the largest contributions to food induced ill health in our country. That may seem like an overly harsh statement, but when one examines the evidence, this is a reasonable conclusion.
The recent approval by the FDA of the use of BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) by dairy farmers to increase their milk production only worsens the already sad picture.
BGH causes an increase in an insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in the milk of treated cows. IGF-1 survives milk pasteurization and human intestinal digestion. It can be directly absorbed into the human bloodstream, particularly in infants.
It is highly likely that IGF-1 promotes the transformation of human breast cells to cancerous forms. IGF-1 is also a growth factor for already cancerous breast and colon cancer cells, promoting their progression and invasiveness.
It is also possible for us to absorb the BGH directly from the milk. This will cause further IGF-1 production by our own cells.
BGH will also decrease the body fat of cows. Unfortunately, the body fat of cows is already contaminated with a wide range of carcinogens, pesticides, dioxin, and antibiotic residues. When the cows have less body fat, these toxic substances are then transported into the cows' milk.
BGH also causes the cows to have an increase in breast infections for which they must receive additional antibiotics.
Prior to BGH, 38%of milk sampled nationally was already contaminated by illegal residues of antibiotics and animal drugs. This will only increase with the use of BGH. One can only wonder what the long term complications will be for drinking milk that has a 50% chance it is contaminated with antibiotics.
There is also a problem with a protein enzyme called xanthine oxidase which is in cow's milk. Normally, proteins are broken down once you digest them.
However, when milk is homogenized, small fat globules surround the xanthine oxidase and it is absorbed intact into your blood stream. There is some very compelling research demonstrating clear associations with this absorbed enzyme and increased risks of heart disease.
Ear specialists frequently insert tubes into the ear drums of infants to treat recurrent ear infections. It has replaced the previously popular tonsillectomy to become the number one surgery in the country.
Unfortunately, most of these specialists don't realize that over 50% of these children will improve and have no further ear infections if they just stop drinking their milk.
Cows' milk is rich in phosphorous which can combine with calcium -- and can prevent you from absorbing the calcium in milk. The milk protein also accelerates calcium excretion from the blood through the kidneys.
It is the primary cause of recurrent ear infections in children. It has also been linked to insulin dependent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, and leukemia.
It is possible to obtain all your calcium from dark green vegetables (where do you think the cow gets their's from?).
Hopefully, you will reconsider your position on using milk as a form of nourishment. Small amounts of milk or milk products taken infrequently, will likely cause little or no problems for most people.
However, the American Dairy Board has done a very effective job of marketing this product. Most people believe they need to consume large, daily quantities of milk to achieve good health. NOTHING could be further from the truth.
human milk is perfect for human babies. cow milk is perfect for cow babies. humans and cows have pretty dang different digestive systems. if you think about it, it's really no surprise that we humans don't digest milk efficiently, it's made for another species, duh. HUMANS ARE THE ONLY ANIMALS ON THE PLANET THAT DRINK MILK PAST EARLY CHILDHOOD. as an adult, would you nurse on yo mama? would you nurse on a cow's mama? weird. creepy. i'm not a dairy nazi, ever so often i like to have a little yummy, yummy cheese. but i'm not brain-washed and i don't kid myself, i acknowledge that it is a totally wacky thing to do! jenny, i really like your blog! you and jamie crack me up everyday. thanks for that! P.S. weren't you just posting the other day about how anon. haters should SUCK IT?!?
I file this one under 'old habits are hard to break' which as we continue to evlove turns into 'can you believe we did that'.
How silly we humans can be when we let cultural routines fortify learned behavior instead of relying on common sense.
Thank you for the info. I have been wary for a while about milk because of all the data that is slowly starting to creep in. I plan to start weaning my family off of that crap. Now sugar is a whole other story. We gotsta have it! Only 3 times a week? I'm lucky if I only eat it 3 times a day! Diabetes, here I come!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really have strong feelings about homogenization or pasteurization, but I do LOVE milk!!! I'm okay with being the only animal that drinks it post-childhood because it is DELICIOUS!! (to me) That's all I have to say. Clearly I've added nothing to this discourse.
Thank you, Hawleywood. People won't get off my back when I've been saying the same about cocaine and vicodin. Who cares if its bad for me. It feels good (to me) and I LOVE it.
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