well, was it worth the wait? srsly. it was not such a hard job as it was a time consuming one. a downside is i have been having major headaches since i painted it. but, i learned a lot. which is probably the most important bit here. i thought several times about how much faster this would be if i had a spray gun, but i started to really like the little imperfections that come with hand application. and i honestly can't wait to get started on a few other pieces i have around here. let's talk about the hardware for second, it cleaned up nicely but i am not sure i love it. i think i want to go a little more modern...my mom and i are going to look at an antiques hardware store at some point in the near future so these will have to do for now. i know i def want brass though..
now i would have loved to have styled it all up for you, but that will take me another several weeks i'm sure. i hope you like it but could really give two shits if you don't. big hugs.
well done....i like the hardware....the color is very nice...congratulations. i wish i could do something like that.
I voted for orange...I was wrong. The blue is perfect!!! Love it!!
i love it! i really like the hardware too, but depends on the look you really want. i check your blog a few times a day b/c not only do you have great taste, you're hysterical! thanks for making me laugh.
You are some piece of work girl...that looks awesome! The blue is so rich and deep and fabulous. Definitely brass, perhaps an "unsealed" brass so that it develops a lovely patina over time...
LOVE the color, Jenny! Great job!!
thanks you guys! you are all so very sweet.
and nkp...i spent hours rubbing the patina off! HAHA!!
It is stunning! The color is gorgeous, and the sweet little Fiona on the side - she styles it up perfectly!
I'm proud of you!
Keep the hardware, it looks great!
Want me to come over and style it up for you?
xo xo
that looks FABULOUS!!! keeep 'em coming. you know we all love a good b4 and after.
me likey.
Love the color. Love it. I am inspired to paint a pair of Bombay chest in my guest room that color.
I like the hardware. It works. If you run across something that floats your boat more, you will replace it then, right?
I am in love - with your buffet! Fantastic choice on the color and finish, and I kinda dig the old hardware, all polished up - but know you'll do right by her in whatever you pick.
Well done, You!!
Oh my god, Jenny, this looks amazing. Even though I voted for orange way back when, I am loving this blue. It was so worth the wait. Pour yourself a drink and bask in your awesomeness. GREAT job!
omg, omg, omg... it looks JUST as awesome as I thought it would. Gorgeous Jenny, GORGEOUS! Don't forget to post shots when you finally put it in its home :-) Yaaaay!!!!
Love the color, love the hardware. It definitely looks much more expensive than a DIY project.
love the color. love the lines. love the hardware. i wouldn't change a thing!! i have some chairs i need to paint... this is just the motivation i needed. I'm spraying though!
Love the Hague! What to do with the left over paint?
etsy has a nice selection of brass hardware, particluarly lakewaycandles. maybe the hepplewhite styles with the hanging pull?
i love everything you've done with this!
im with everybody else in liking the original hardware : ) nice job
damn girl...talk about job well done. i need some help...what steps did you take...i never knew to paint and then sand the paint down until i read your blog...i have a piece i need to start on.
I like the original hardware, but what if you gave it a modern look by painting them? Lilac? Or a grassy green/chartreuse?
Nice job. I am in love with that color. Now I want to paint something.
Here's two shits saying I love it, especially your little peanut peeking around the corner. xx
Gorgeous. Love a before and after---especially a good one.
XXX Kate
it looks awesome!! i like the hardware that's on there now but can't wait to see what you come up with!
Looks awesome!! I love the color
Fabulous! Can't wait to see you style it!! :D
Love the Hague and LOVE YOU!
Btw, CONGRATSIMUNDO on the new job!
love it!!
I think it looks great! I love a piece that makes a dramatic impact!
love this! the color is perfect; it's the color i was striving for when i re-painted my front door. i came close....
The color looks quite nice with your hardwood floors. Forreals. tré chic
sooo worth the wait...I love the color, what a great choice!
I'm liking the hardware ok for now, but I know you can pick out some hotter frosting for that baby. frost that bitch up!
Totally worth the wait... you are awesome.
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