i don't think i am alone in my disgust for this guy. quite frankly when i watched this show before all the press on these 2 i thought he was kind of retarded. seriously, i really thought he might be mildly retarded. i mean he was kind of...slow? and i was always like awww...kate why you gotta be so mean to your retarded husband? now i see i was doing a great disservice to retarded people.
he is merely a douche of the highest power. he is lord douche. gandouche. the eye of saurdouche.
king theodouche, the voldoucheri...
anyway...more grand douchery
please go away. far, far away to the land of retarded, unwanted reality toys.
While you're at it, please take the following with you:
Speidi, Sophie Monk (and her fish lips), Tara Reid, Linsanity, and John Mayer.
This guy makes me want to barf. WHY does he get the media coverage? If they want to follow the exploits of a braindead wanna-be, I've got a few distant cousins in mind....
No you had it right the first time... retarded.
ahhhhhhhhhh hahahahahaha. love your new name for him.
When everyone was hating on Kate (ive watched the show from the beginning), I always hated this guy. He a complete idiot. Kate didn't have 8 kids, she had 9. She is lucky to be free of this louse but I still heart her.
Agreee so annoying!!!
I'd like to get him in a small room and beat the crap out of him. Ok, ok, ok no violence. But for real, I'd like to punch him square between the eyes.
I am so so with you.
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