All I can think of is why doesn't my Trader Joe's sell wine (Two Buck Chuck)????????? Why???????? And then I wonder if $2 wine will give me a headache???????????
Srsly?! NOT cool, dood. I mean, YES, the lady juices are flowing, but NO, they do NOT have $2box o china anywhere round these parts. Jeals. Oh, and Hello Gorgeous--Her Jennyness and I were recently discussing--you can sometimes get the eversofancy Two Buck Chuck at Publix. IF you're lucky. If not, go even more highbrow and get a cube from Tarjay. Dlish.
Kicking. self. in ass. Just read on Eddie's post that the fab box o goodies was from Scotts! WHY o WHY didn't we go last two weeks ago?!!??!?!?! Next month, its ON.
cups and saucers for DAYS. efff! i'm going to use my next birthday-candle-blowing-out-wish on being lucky enough to stumble upon $2 treasures like this. damn!
where the hell do people find stuff like this? i want.
ugh...seriously...i don't even want to begin to add up the amount of money i've spent on transferware so far. poop.
All I can think of is why doesn't my Trader Joe's sell wine (Two Buck Chuck)????????? Why???????? And then I wonder if $2 wine will give me a headache???????????
ahhhh so amazing!
That looks like fun in a box- I want some for 2 bucks too!
i don't know, jenny.
what the hell would you do with it all?
Ah I know! Eddie keeps posting amazing finds at thrift stores and then no details to where he actually is.
Driving me nutty! I must know!
is that spode china in the far left?? jeez, eddie. the phantom thrifter.
shut up!
*picking up jaw from floow*
im so jealous!
I want "Lady Juice Alert" to be a tag.
Really? No mosaic table? Does that mean the mosaic garden stepping stones are out, too? Darn.
Srsly?! NOT cool, dood. I mean, YES, the lady juices are flowing, but NO, they do NOT have $2box o china anywhere round these parts. Jeals. Oh, and Hello Gorgeous--Her Jennyness and I were recently discussing--you can sometimes get the eversofancy Two Buck Chuck at Publix. IF you're lucky. If not, go even more highbrow and get a cube from Tarjay. Dlish.
Kicking. self. in ass. Just read on Eddie's post that the fab box o goodies was from Scotts! WHY o WHY didn't we go last two weeks ago?!!??!?!?! Next month, its ON.
I'll glue a bunch of teacups together and make a floor lamp. Rachel Ashwell ain't got nuthin on me.
2 bucks a box of china? hell yes.
Thats insane!! Hmmm can do..sorry!
yes, please. no more dumb-ass heinous mosaic tables.
cups and saucers for DAYS. efff! i'm going to use my next birthday-candle-blowing-out-wish on being lucky enough to stumble upon $2 treasures like this. damn! yer blog.
I have a feeling he whipped-out a sharpie from his fannie pack and made his own pricing...
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