piece #1: antique desk- 75 bucks. painted white, new hardware. daughter's room.

piece #2: antique duncan phyfe couch- 35 bucks! so for all i know the springs are kaput and i would need new everything BUT...what a pretty little couch. paint it white and fabric it all up in some kind of liberty of london goodness and..whammo...kickassedness!

piece #3: a pair of antique chairs- 75 for the pair. not a bad looking shape, although not sure what the legs are like. but those can be replaced. they seem to be in good condition. again with some fun fabric and 2 IS better than one for making a statement.

piece #4: eames era baumritter chair- 55 bucks. again i realize 2 is better than one but this is a pretty cool chair, right?
piece #5: eames ear lounge by plycraft- 100 bucks. can't tell about the color, seems a little too orangey. but if in person it's a more neutral caramely color it might look astonishingly pretty in a white room. or a la jamie meares with a sheepskin draped effortlessly over.

piece #6: antique hat rack-50 bucks. this is the perfect size for a small entry. a little paint and some distressing and yes, i think so.

piece #7: highback cane chair- 50 bucks. me likey this one quite a bit. just wish there were 2.

piece #8: kidney bean coffee table- 185 bucks. kinda steep but it's pretty darn cool. don't need a coffee table really, but if i did...i don't know...maybe..painted white.

piece #9: mid century mccob planner group end tables- 60 for the pair. bedside tables painted white..BAM! BAM! they're tall too!
piece #10: antique gooseneck rocker- 130 bucks. this is so unique and fabulous with those goose arms. if i was pregs and needed a rocker for the nursery i would be all over this.

piece #11: oak dresser- 75 bucks. painted a lacquer-y black with some cool harware and stuck in a kitchen or dining room with some pretty dishes on top, or a wide hallway for towels if you have n'er enough closet space. why yes indeed.

piece #4: eames era baumritter chair- 55 bucks. again i realize 2 is better than one but this is a pretty cool chair, right?

piece #5: eames ear lounge by plycraft- 100 bucks. can't tell about the color, seems a little too orangey. but if in person it's a more neutral caramely color it might look astonishingly pretty in a white room. or a la jamie meares with a sheepskin draped effortlessly over.

piece #6: antique hat rack-50 bucks. this is the perfect size for a small entry. a little paint and some distressing and yes, i think so.

piece #7: highback cane chair- 50 bucks. me likey this one quite a bit. just wish there were 2.

piece #8: kidney bean coffee table- 185 bucks. kinda steep but it's pretty darn cool. don't need a coffee table really, but if i did...i don't know...maybe..painted white.

piece #9: mid century mccob planner group end tables- 60 for the pair. bedside tables painted white..BAM! BAM! they're tall too!

piece #10: antique gooseneck rocker- 130 bucks. this is so unique and fabulous with those goose arms. if i was pregs and needed a rocker for the nursery i would be all over this.

piece #11: oak dresser- 75 bucks. painted a lacquer-y black with some cool harware and stuck in a kitchen or dining room with some pretty dishes on top, or a wide hallway for towels if you have n'er enough closet space. why yes indeed.

piece #12: antique wicker chair- 10 bucks. come on. paint this bright yellow and stick it in your bathroom. done.

ok MFaMB lovers...tell me what'cha think. the good, bad and the ugly. don't hold back. i need some criticism here. what would you do different?
You "rock" in the decor world in my book!
I just posted about a whole interior painted white...and I never would have realized how fantastic the painted furniture turned out. It's amazing what a little white paint can do!
Love your "paint it" philosophy! I feel the same way! I have no sentimental feelings about keeping wood furniture or trim wood just because it is wood! Would love #9 tables painted kelly green or turquoise lacquer! The sofa is wonderful, at $35 the cost do have it completely reupholstered would be worth it! Painted white with a terrific bright pattern! The #3 pair of chairs look like they could go in a Kelly Wearstler hotel with their high backs and a great graphic fabric! Love the desks and cabinets too! Adore the wicker chair! Bright yellow wicker is great!
Everyone seems to be scoring the best stuff on Craigslist. I really need to get over my fear of it. But then maybe it's a good thing because I can't fit one more piece of furniture in my house.
The desk, dresser and the little end tables are fab. I would totally get those. As for the upholstered pieces, I always think about how gross it might be underneath (I'm a germ freak) but for $35, I think I could deal for that couch. Keep us posted on what you decide.
LOVE the couch--can see it in an outrageous fuchsia velvet! and that cane back chair is fab too---want to see it with the cane painted high gloss black!
and if that eames chair is authentic, then $100 is a total steal!
Just found your blog...LOVE it! I paint so much furniture that I am sure my neighbors think I have a paint sniffing problem. Love the craigslist pieces...one and two are must haves! And about the yard...that comes with the house. It is always good to go house hunting with a list of priorities, the problem (or maybe it is not a proble) is when you find a house that speaks to you, your priorities rearrange themselves without you even knowing! Good luck!
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I'm with you. It would take me way to long to stop and think about how many pieces of furniture in our house is just like these pieces. It's hard to go wrong and really if you do, you're not usually out much. You can always just put it in the driveway with a price tag.
The couch done up in the stripes like you've shown the post just after this one is to die for!
as for oak (which I think the fugliest wood ever) does happen to look great stripped and pickled or limed. The grain looks amazing....
Just found a gooseneck rocker like that at Habitat Restore for $35. So comfortable! Will recover and enjoy in a new office/sewing room/studio. Hurray for new chair/new era. Last child is leaving the nest.
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