peace on earth fuckers:

i also went on a hunt for some fake snow so that i could fill the fireplace with it and create a gay village like martha did under her fake tree. you know the one with the little deer and bottle brush trees? anyway, i went to michael's and pottery barn. no snow. so right now there is a white hydrangea plant in there. it works. but i am still looking for the snow.
Oh I spoke too soon- im loving he holiday buckets.
quite convenient too, just in case you have a little too much holiday nog. make sure santa checks for puke first before he fills them :)
I'm loving the bucket. My I sit and wallow in my jealousy over your mantle for a moment? Thanks.
You are fucking amazing. I am going to blog stalk you now.
This is so unique, I love it!
Yep, liking that.
if you have a Kohl's by you, you might find the snow you're looking for. and bottle brush trees. you might want to put the doobie down though!
What a darling mantel...Good Skills I say!!
A suggestion for the fake snow..if you cant hunt down the one you want...try using just standard coconut shavings..the ones they use for cakes...you can buy a couple of bags..real cheap..looks real purrrrty purrrty...so long as you dont mind sweeping it up afterwards? honest :)
The buckets are brilliant!
Ok, so I was really anti bucket, but you may have won me over here. Plus looking at our borderline heinous stockings is making a bucket look real good about now. Tim Gunn would be proud, GF, you made it work!
Holy shit where have I been? I just found you from "high heel" and I too would love to have the balls to say it like it is. I love your blog and am devastated of the top chef finale. There is something about Kevin that is so precious. I cried.
your new fan, Shelly
Freaking LOVE the buckets
thanks lovers.
Love the buckets because they are unique AND they probably hold more loot than a regular stocking!
it turned out well!!
Oh damn... there are about 4783 brass candle sticks at my favorite thrift store. Too bad they're closed right now. But they're open again TOMORROW!!!
I saw snow at Hobby Lobby.
Diggin the holiday buckets.
very cool. Looks like Santa's going to have to move like a ninja to fill those buckets without waking the little one. :)
I love your blog, but I REALLY hate the "f" word! I find it very offensive. Your right but no more for me.
oh sherri...sherri sherri sherri... its just a word. a word with so much vim and vigor. why don't you do me a favor and find me a suitable alternative? one that packs the wollup that fuck does and i will start to use it.
i'd hate to lose you over a silly word.
LOVE your buckets, babe!
You did it again, a hip and stylish mantle that doesn't look typical red/green stockings etc. Love it!! Santa will probably bring you something extra good for shaking things up!
oh i've got gay villages all over the surfaces in my house with like 50 fucking vintage bottle brush, tinsel and aluminum trees and those little glittery cardboard houses? that i've been collecting for years (before martha thought it was cool). its very silly. but fun. and my thing. yours looks very elegant and i like the greenery and candles very much, lady.
Looks really good!! I love all the different candles, and the buckets look cool. Hey, more room for the coal. ;-)
And the fake snow... you know, I swear I've seen it around. I guess it's one of those things that when you're looking for it - good luck finding it!
Actually, try JoAnn Fabrics (if you have those...)
Now I don't celebrate, Christmas that is, so I'm no expert, but your buckets look damn good. And more spacious than a stocking, yes?
Your schmantel really rocks. I agree on the stockings. I'm really picky about them. Maybe if I could sew I would make some. Although it doesn't really matter either way, because I don't have a schmantel to decorate.
What are you putting in those buckets? I HAVE to know!!!
((Can you hang something over that mantle already? Remember when we all gave you a billion ideas?
Btw, I am not one to talk, my bedroom still has home depot shades cause I cant make up my damn mind!!! )))
the buckets are fucking brilliant! if you wanted to you could use dry-erase markers to put names on them, that's what I do at my office. I use buckets for client project bins, I love them in place of tacky stockings!
love the buckets!!!! i think you should gold-y them up a little though. gold, glittery initials.
rock on jenny!
If you still want fake snow, Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie had it in their stores.
I love your bucket idea, so creative and I've never seen it done before, very refreshing!
The buckets really take that from classy and Victorian to stepping in shit while milking a cow on a farm. Take 'em down, dude.
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