this only needs slight modification to make it festive and my vote is for fluffy piles of fake snow and a few green branches:

lookit jen ramos's mantel...i love what she did this year. it's so simple and so gorgeous. her tree kicks ass too. those lights work so well b/c of the modern lines of her fireplace and the golden goodness of that mirror. i think this is my favorite mantel i have seen in blog land this year. way to go jen ramos!

i love this tree...why do not the homey D trees look like this? but that stocking-on-a-clothesline bullshit would be way too ghetto in my house. it would be ghetto in your house too, so don't do it. it only works in laura ingalls' house here:

simple,'s cute. probably really pretty in person. it seems like it's trying too hard.

holister hovey's frontier christmas:
here's a before and after from country living:
this is too cutesy for me. i liked it better before...maybe with some greenery added or some big globe lights.
this is pretty for red and green:

sweet jesus!! where did the fireplace go?!!
rita konig decorated this for the waverly inn in NYC. it's all fake. it looks cool though, like a secret garden.

this is pretty for red and green:

rita konig decorated this for the waverly inn in NYC. it's all fake. it looks cool though, like a secret garden.

not christmasy at all but i love it ever so much. the magenta logs are super duper:

this is a crowd favorite...simple, not so christmasy and should an intruder try to steal your christmas presents you can impale them with one of those horns:

You had me laughing at loud with your Sweet Jesus comment. Too funny!
I'm loving your blog after just one post! Can't wait to dig in and see what trouble you've been stirring up!
By the by, I came through Dumbwit Tellher and wanted to say happy 40 to you!
That navy fireplace is killer! I had to visit your blog after seeing a couple of your bday tributes!
Sweet Jesus is right!!!! I always wonder how long it takes some people to decorate, and whether their time might be better spent doing something else.... anything else!!
I kept my mantle pretty simple. Some (fake but good) garland with a couple pinecones nestled in. And that's it.
I did do the somewhat candy-colored ornaments (they're not so bright as to be candy-colored), but I've had a monochromatic tree for years and I just got tired of it.
And my stockings have Santa and Rudolph and snowmen on them.... but my grandmother sewed it for me when I was born (my sisters each have one too)- it's all hand done, and because of that it's special to me. But normally I don't like all that cutesy stuff!
Can't wait to see the big reveal!
i agree with you about most christmas stockings but Hable has some really cute ones. they're a little expensive though.
I went the Jen Ramos style christmas tree this year and it was super easy...less messy and looks fab..go with it girl!!
PS Loathe the christmas stockings...just yuuurkkkk....prefer baskets...coloured tubs...or boxes wrapped in funky christmas paper.
Either way..Im sure you mantel is going to look just fab..and agree...less is best ;) obviously not for family that decided to go all sweet jesus..for sweet jesus!
God I wish I had a mantle! My kids have to hang their stockings on a coat rack. sniff sniff.
seriously though can you help me with my candle problem bloggers? http:/
Can't wait to see yours!
I battle with the mantle every year too! I hate it! I personally love the white pottery filled with greens. Clean and simple and understated.
Thanks for the Lonny update, I've been patiently WAITING!
I triple dog dare you to do the Sweet Jesus mantle in your house.
Please tell me the Edward stocking is real and that I can force my husband to buy it for me.
oooooh... I want Laura Ingalls' floors SOOOOO BAD!!!!
Are those logs made out of FangTonio's ducks? Hmmm....
Ironically I posted on the stocking situation today. Struggling with the mantle piece here... cracking up on some of your descriptors...
Loving that first image. Any the navy is delish.
thanks abbie and paris apt. and all other first timers...welcome to cool country.
the stocking is totally for real and there is so much more at
southern asp..going to your blog now.
funny shit
best of luck on the christmas mickey mantle action
The one with "where did the fireplace go" - that's my mother's house in a nutshell! I swear there should be some sort of therapy for people who feel compelled to decorate like that!
I took your suggestion and it made me look like a dickhead when I said, "....the buckets were hung by the chimney with care."
anon..if the bucket fits....
I found you via Haven and Home. This post was great. Great photos but such funny commentary.
Hey there! I nominated you for a bloggy award on my blog. ;-)
Thank you for saving me from myself! I have no mantel to hang our stockings on and every year it's a hassle to find a place to hang them that I am satisfied with. When I saw the clothesline I thought "what a cute idea!" Your comment reminded me that, sadly, no it would not be cute. Only ghetto. I would have attempted it had it not been for your words of wisdom. Back to the drawing board. Thank you Ode of Design.
those hot pink logs just made my heart flutter. off to go buy spray paint!
Why not hang some christmas undies up there, you know just for shits and giggles
Guess who's getting herself some magenta logs...hellz yeah, me, that's who. I LOVE that fireplace!
Fav - magenta logs and edward on a stocking♥
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