it's good, no? not shiny yet but it will be thanks to an oil free poly. apparently oil based poly's cause your white painted furniture to yellow. says
her. tomorrow we are supposed to have more snow (and by snow they mean rain) so i will have to hold off on the poly until maybe thursday? which means a day of drying which means hardware goes on on friday if supermike can get to it. otherwise saturday bitches.
and can someone please tell me why gentle, wise blue painter's tape decided to get all stuck?
what the shit is
that all about?
Didn't know that about oil poly. Good to know! Oh, and painter's tape is the devil. Next time I'm paying $1 more to buy FROG tape.
you may have left it on too long?
take a plastic edge to it- think credit card. But don't get all crazy with it so you don't scratch it.
By the way, it looks marvelous. Can't wait to see the end result. I'm all about the bar.
Maybe it was a weather/humidity thing?? I've always heard windex helps to dissolve goo, too....
Lookin' good. Invest in some goo gone.
It's come a long way!!! Can't wait to see it with the fab new hardware....can't believe good old painter's tape let you down.
if you're desperate, try Goo Gone to get really sticky stuff off, but be careful not to get it on the white part (trust me)
So good and so close... you're almost there... patience!
I hear you! That has happened to me too and it is so disappointing, like being betrayed by a good friend....
no advice on the tape sorry- but DAMN, that is one hot bar cart, I want one now, wahhhhhh
oh yes, oil poly turns it yellow. and not pretty yellow, more like smoker's teeth yellow and it just gets darker and darker over time. find the crystal clear stuff.
looks so great!! for the blue tape try this product called like "goop off" or something like that. It's amazing and generally great to have around. In my case its for when I buy picture frames that have been discounted to like 35 cents at Ross and I have to get off twelve price stickers from the glass. Works like a charm!
That is looking so good. Don't let the tape get you down!
sexy bar cart, maybe lonny will want to photograph it.
Can't wait to see the reveal!
That cart looks fucking awesome! Someone else up there said Goo Gone, I second that emotion.
Looking so good. So good. Hate when the blue painter tape fails... too old? too cold? too warm? in the sun? It fails for all sorts of reasons. Goo Gone, it is your friend.
Just asking. Your white paint was oil base or water?
It makes a big difference with the gloss finish. And you are so right, oil based poly's go yellow.
WD 40. http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/household/wd-40.asp
That bar cart is gorgeous.
Looks good. Really, really, good. I always have the same issue with blue painter's tape. Never works like promised! MB is right, Goo Gone is your friend!
bummer on the tape and snow/rain
cool on the creative/productive vibe
It's going to look SO hot!! LOVE!! Can't wait to see it with the hardware and styled by YOU! :D
I learned about painters tape the hard way as well - I bet it's a combination of putting it on a freshly painted surface and leaving it on for more than a couple of hours. Once it's been left on, it fuses to the surface. You should see the mess that's in my bathroom...
I'm totally going to try WD40.
I am begging you not to send more snow our way. Can't take anymore.
You really can only leave painter's tape on just until the paint dries. But you already know that now.
I am in love with the hardware and cannot wait to see it finished. And, fyi, you are woman. (Roar.) You can add the hardware yourself.
LOVE the cart! You can also try vinegar to get the sticky nasty tape off. Thats what I use to get all the leftover sticky residue off of things I purchase.
Loving it.
Looking good! Can't wait to see the end result. Sorry about the tape issue, but it looks like you have some good advice from the other comments.
Ruh roh. I just sanded and spray painted four, yes you read that right, FOUR chairs white and applied one coat of Wipe On Poly. Am I totally screwed? Can I do a light sand and just spray paint a couple of coats and then apply the correct poly?
Thanks for any ideas on this!!!!
Try warming the tape with a hair dryer, that should work.
Frog Tape.Lowes,Home Depot. Just ribbet off. Ugh. Sorry. While at Lowes-WD40 for leftover stickyand Windex to remove residue from WD4o. Every girl needs WD40 in the house. Very cool bar.
I would try either the hair dryer R suggested above, or a warm iron with a clean cotton cloth to get the blue tape off.
True on the poly. Waterbased will keep it clear.
We hates blue painter tape, precioussss.
Careful on the goo gone; it might take off the paint.
Can't wait to see the cart all loaded up.
- Jean
blue tape + sunshine = swearing
It is always tricky with the tape it's like you must pull it off at just the perfect time,....whenever that is!
If you used Scotch brand tape (it looks like you did), you should call 3M and they will help resolve the problem. I work with blue tape myself and I know this is NOT typical. Call the 800 number on the inside of the roll.
Oh, that is looking so good! I had the same problem with that damn blue tape. It took the finish off of a built-in in my old house. I'm never using it on anything ever again.
I hate you. Now I feel I NEED a bar cart.
So what happened with the tape?!
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