there is a lot of real fucking ugly going on here. i think we can all agree on that. for starters i would throw that band-aid on the floor out the fucking window. ok, that's better. next up would be those airplane seats fitted with walkers..yes, you have no business existing. whoever thought to upholster you in seatbelts and leftover casket blankets should be executed immediately. not really sure what that dining table is all about but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a billiards table.
the picture next to the door is hung too high. the pink sofa table is too low.
in fact i would go ahead and torch everything in this room and start over...except for the dog. him i would keep. i would spank the hell out of him though.
I'd have to start with that ceramic oil drum...
I think you called it out pretty good...this room is bad! wow. and the last line cracked me up!
Where the hell did you find it? And why on earth did somoeone even put it on the net anyway?? Hope the owners weren't trying to show it off cos it sure didn't work.
Oh My...lol...I would hope they didnt hire some Interior designer to do this..because they should be torched along side with this whole room...whats with the double mirrors? just incase you forget what you look like while digging into a steak and chips? Seriously..if that dog pooped on that vomit rug..it would be an improvement! lol x
Thanks for the belly laugh xxx
sometimes when people work with scale in a room, they test the heights on the jolly green giant. these are usually the a-holes who incorporate magenta, mauve and hunter's green. f that!
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
hahahaha, i just came across this blog and love it. thank you for shitting all over that heinous room. i can't even look at it...it's unsettling.
that rug is the worst thing I have ever seen. I dont think a "design civilian" could have come up with those chairs alone... this reeks of shitty "designing".
The coffee table used as a sofa table makes me want to puke.
Oh wow...
I came for my morning laugh...thanks
Sweet mother of Christ, this is awful.
i'm pathetic. i like it.
Those.Chairs.Are.The.Worst. A lot of these fabrics look like Osbourne & Little which can be fab in a sort of eccentric, british, madcap sort of way, but this is just all sorts of wrong. The rug is inexcusable though.
ewwww ! At first I didn't want you to spank the dog but now that I think about it, I bet he's one of those yappy dogs ! yeah, go ahead and spank him !
holy mother of god. that room is hiddeous!
On the pomeranian-poor guy not only has to live in that house with that pussy ass haircut, he's probably also called "Bella" even though he's male. That poor dog needs to be put in a foster home, one with better decor, and given a mohawk and renamed Marty.
You. are. hilarious. And unforgiving. I love it. hehee. Poor doggy.
I'll bring the lighter fluid, you bring the matches.
I agree, it's hideous. I often find designer things hideous, rooms or clothes and can't understand why people are oohing and awwing. I think it's a case of the Emperor's New clothes all too often.
You know, you decide to go with hot pink and bright turquoise and black - all crazy like - and then you throw that piece of cheap "apartment beige" broadloom cut into a circle on the floor?? Really??
I usually do not like circular rugs, I think they look cheap and contrived.
Martinis and Diaper Genies, I'm going out on a limb and saying what you really like here is the colors - and that's okay. :)
I'll bet there was a much better rug in that room, but the day before the photo shoot that dog got into some nasty leftovers and did some nasty stuff all over it. That big cicular yawn was all they could find on the fly.
okay...I'm kind of panicking! I have a room that is hot pink, I LOVE it. PEOPLE tell me THEY love it. Are they lying? Does it really look hideous? Arghhhh!!!!
I hate it. Every last bit of it. But as much as it hurt my eyes, it was worth the pain just to read your side-achingly hilarious commentary. :0)
Lord - where did you find this room?
Laughing so hard I think I hurt myself! LOVE the write up!!
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